Go structs and interfaces

Go doesn’t have a class to define custom types. Instead, you would use a struct.

type MotorVehicle struct {
    wheelSize int
    modelName string
    manafacturer string

Then, to add method to this type, we would just implement methods against this type as described on our previous post.

func (mv MotorVehicle) startEngine(){

    fmt.Printf("Starting %s's engine\n", mv.modelName)


Multiple inheritance can be achieved by type embedding.

type Car struct {

When type embedding, the fields (and methods of the parent type) can be referenced without sub-referencing the embedded type (assuming you don’t overload that same field names). This of course only works when adding an anonymous field (not giving the embedded type a name) to the struct. So, using the above example, we could do:

var mazdaCx9 Car
mazdaCx9.wheelSize = 17
mazdaCx9.MotorVehicle.wheelSize = 17


To implement an interface is go, you firstly define the interface as a type (similar to how a struct is defined). Whereas struct’s can only house fields, interfaces can only house function specifications.

type PoweredVehicle interface {

So, with that, any type that implements the method startEngine, becomes a PoweredVehicle. Then we can pass any derived types as a PoweredVehicle type to call any supporting methods.

func goToShops(pv PoweredVehicle){
    //further implementation

myCar := MotorVehicle{}
myCar.wheelSize = 11
myCar.modelName = "abc"
myCar.manafacturer = "def"


Further reading: